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7 facts about the connection between sexual intimacy and emotions

There is close relationship between sexual intimacy and emotions. Below us show how both of these two things relates to each other:

  1. Intimacy goes beyond sex.

What do you think when you hear about “intimacy”?

People often immediately think of sex or physical intimacy when they hear the word, but it’s just a narrow definition.

Intimacy is wide, and each person defines it differently. If you want to be intimate, you want to connect.

  1. There are many types of intimacy.

The following are 12 types of intimacy – each one is a way we can connect and build trust with our partners, which is what intimacy is:

  • emotional closeness
  • sexual or physical intimacy
  • intimacy crisis
  • recreational proximity
  • communicative proximity
  • aesthetic closeness
  • working proximity
  • intimate commitment
  • creative affinity
  • intimate conflict
  • spiritual closeness
  • intellectual proximity
  1. There is a connection between emotional intimacy and sexual intimacy.

The two strongest types of intimacy are emotional intimacy and sexual intimacy.

Emotional intimacy is an opportunity to share your feelings. Being emotionally close to another person means being vulnerable and knowing you won’t get hurt.

This ability to share your emotions, perspectives, and feelings strengthens your bond as a couple.

Sexual intimacy is having emotionally and physically safe sexual contact with your partner.

Sexual intimacy is enhanced when two people can openly discuss their needs, desires, or desires, creating a safe space where they can communicate their physical and sexual needs without being judged.

  1. It is important to understand when there are different definitions of intimacy in a relationship.

You and your partner may define intimacy differently, and that’s fine. We all see intimacy differently because we have experienced it in different ways.

Our past behaviour, experiences, and relationships are the lenses through which we view the world. They affect how we experience intimacy.

Even two people in a relationship may feel differently about intimacy. For example, you may want to connect with them by spending time alone where you can relax and talk.

On the other hand, your partner also wants to communicate with you but sees sex as a way to be close to you.

They both want intimacy, but it looks very different. Neither of you is wrong about how you view intimacy, but each of you has different intimate needs.

By meeting each other’s needs for intimacy, you show each other that you are ready to listen and act on their needs.

  1. you must know your needs for emotional and sexual intimacy.

We don’t have a guide to tell us about our emotional and sexual intimacy needs, so we must discover them along the way.

Start by writing down your emotional needs. Always it’s important that what kind of words you use with your partner to get an emotional attachment

Examine your past thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and efforts to see what helped you feel connected. Then write down what actions or words your partner might do or say to help you feel an emotional connection with him.

Then write down your sexual needs. Think about what you want, more or less, your desires, detours, and arousals. Then decide which ones you want to improve or change.

After you list your needs, ask your partner to do the same. Then, in a non-judgmental and non-judgmental way, discuss each other’s needs to understand the needs of the relationship better.

  1. There is a connection between Trust and intimacy.

Trust that is, feeling secure with your partner and trusting that they will treat you well, keep their promises, and take care of the relationship is closely related to intimacy.

When intimacy (also known as bonding) improves, Trust also enhances. Trust and intimacy go hand in hand. When one is on the ground, the other is too.

You feel an emotional connection when Trust is really good in your relationship. Trust is high, so intimacy is high, often emotionally and sexually.

But the opposite can also happen.

As your Trust in your partner changes, your connection to them, emotionally and sexually. When there is a decline in confidence, your emotional and sexual intimacy decreases.

  1. Improving Trust improves intimacy.

Trust and intimacy go hand in hand in a relationship, meaning intimacy drops when Trust drops.

This means that working on Building trust in a relationship is a key element in fostering greater intimacy between you.

To do this, start by recognizing that Trust is not an all-or-nothing principle. Think of it this way: self-confidence goes up and down on a scale of zero to 10 throughout the day.

Your confidence will increase when you feel connected to your partner, and everything is going well. Your Trust is about to drop on the scale when your partner says or does something you don’t like.

However, you are still in a relationship with them. When you are in a relationship, your trust in them is at least one on the scale.
Or else, they would have not been with you.

As per the sexologist, to build Trust, your goal is to do and say things that create trust in your relationship.

Ask your partner if they need help with anything and if there is anything you can support them with. Genuine care and support build Trust.

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