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Being overweight affects sexual health and increases sexual problems

Over a thousand people lose their lives daily due to obesity, making it one of the world’s most well-known causes of mortality.

Its negative impacts on men’s health extend beyond cardiovascular issues, including high cholesterol and blood pressure.

Obesity, contrary to popular belief, has negative effects on both sexes’ ability to engage in sexually healthful behaviours.

Hormone levels, reproductive health, and prostate function negatively impact men.

Find out more about the possible effects of this toxic environment on your sexual health.

How is obesity detected?

The body mass index (BMI) is the gold standard for determining obesity.

Using their BMI, one can decide if they are underweight, average weight, borderline obese, or obese.

Based on one’s body mass index, one can change their way of living to benefit their health and longevity.

The body mass index (BMI) is a rough measure of adipose distribution.

You are considered overweight if your body mass index is between 25 and 30.

Abdominal fat is the most dangerous type, even though overall body fat is beneficial. If your waist measurement is greater than 37.5 inches, you may be obese.

Testosterone and obesity

Testosterone is the primary male hormone responsible for the growth of male reproductive organs for sperm production and libido, as well as the distinctive features of males, such as a deep voice.

Although testosterone decreases by only about 1% per year on average, obesity can hasten the onset of testosterone insufficiency.

One of the strongest predictors of testosterone deficiency symptoms in males was discovered to be their waist circumference.

A person’s weight may significantly reduce their endurance, which is necessary to maintain sexual performance.

Obesity alters the breakdown of sex hormones, which can lead to decreased libido or a lack of sexual desire.

One out of every seven overweight males could gain from testosterone therapy.

This further supports the hypothesis that excess body fat and low testosterone levels are related. However, some of the other things that men’s obesity can impact are:

Impotence issues (ED)

Most cases of erectile dysfunction in men are not caused by testosterone or other hormone imbalances, as is commonly believed.

Men with average testosterone levels are at a higher risk of erectile dysfunction if they are overweight.

One Brazilian study also found a connection between abdominal obesity and ED, but only in males over 60. Men’s ED risk increased by over 90% when their body mass index was 28.

Without medicine, this can be helped by a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. The biggest benefit was seen in men who lost the most weight.

Sexuality and overweight

The effects of obesity on libido are devastating. It may also affect reproduction.

Obesity has been associated with diminished sperm quality and quantity.

Men in their twenties and thirties have been known to experience this.


Depression, impaired sexual function, and unhappy marriages are all linked to obesity.

To avoid these issues being forgotten, healthcare providers should incorporate inquiries about them into their motivational interviewing practises.

The obesity treatment should incorporate psychosocial assistance.

When appropriate, pair counselling should be implemented to include the patient’s significant other in the healing process.

The goal of obesity treatment is to better patients’ physical well-being, mental state, and general quality of life.

It appears that patients with obesity are best served by obesity centres that take a multidisciplinary strategy to their care.

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25/8, 1st Cross
Ground Floor
Sampige Apartment
Bangalore. 560003
Mob: +91 8880041775
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