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How Should Men Handle With Loss of Sex Drive- Sexologist Advice

Dr. Shakeel Ahmed Roy advises: Your highest hopes and desires may have been shelved for the time being, or they may have been kept under wraps for a very long time.

Except for a few minor changes you either shrug off as unimportant or attribute to something other than a low libido, your regular life functions normally. Among those modifications are: (interest in sex).

Both men and women face difficulties when their libido decreases. Thus this problem must be handled as soon as clinically possible.

Even if you aren’t worried about your sexual life being affected, a loss of libido can affect your general health, damaging your well-being in the long run.

That it’s all in one’s head, say some. Yes, though in some situations, only partially. The following considerations suggest that a lack of sexual attraction does not always result from psychological problems.

Here’s are some of the most common causes of low libido:

We inform that Falling testosterone levels may be an inevitable part of aging in men.

Estrogen levels can drop in women after menopause, vaginal surgery, or the birth and lactation of a child. Stress and exhaustion from a long day at the workplace or on the road.

One possible effect of a history of sexual abuse is a lowered libido. Sexual desire might be suppressed if a person regularly engages in harmful activities like smoking or drinking.

Disruptions to one’s regular sleep schedule can also play a role. Conditions like cancer, diabetes, and neurological disorders can dampen sexual desire.

Below are a few suggestions for overcoming a loss of libido:

Put forth a determined effort to modify your current routine. When one’s life is constantly in flux, sexual dysfunction is almost inevitable.

To keep your libido from dipping, you must commit to a way.

It’s a good idea to meditate and exercise every day. Walk fast, run, do yoga or other light exercises, go swimming, or play sports and games like badminton, table tennis, or squash.

After a given time, you might find that you’re interested in resuming sexual activity again.

Expert sexologists recommends It would help if you attempted to lessen the strain on your life. Enjoy quality time with one another and one’s family.

Use this downtime to watch a movie, attend an event, take a long drive, or go on a vacation. Sharing your day’s activities with a friend is an excellent way to bond.

Eat a lot of colourful produce. Cut back on booze and cigarettes until you can give them up. Try to sleep for at least eight hours every night, and get up by six o’clock every morning.

A competent sexologist’s counselling can help work through this problem. My remedy for low libido includes a good dose of talk therapy.

Many of my patients have told me how grateful they are that I was able to help them restore their sexual life.

Come talk to me in private if you’re ready to end your struggle with libido loss.

Contrarily, charlatans that claim they can revive your libido should be avoided at all costs. Seek help from a licensed medical expert, sexologist, or sexual counsellor who has a proven track record of success.


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