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Some Common Marriage Issues Faced by Couples & Their Solutions

Poor communication, lack of intimacy, money troubles, and growing apart cause marital problems.

Almost any source of conflict in a marriage can be resolved if both partners are ready to make changes.

  1. Miscommunication

Dr. Shakeel Ahmed Roy a sexologist in Bangalore thinks that Marriages often struggle with poor communication.

Many couples avoid discussing and fixing their difficulties. They may become set in their ways and roles, leading to contempt.

Later in life, they lack the communication skills to negotiate new boundaries, hurting their partnership.

If this describes your relationship, be a good listener and encourage your partner to express themselves. Communication improves all relationships.

  1. Loneliness

X-factor. Many couples lose interest in intimacy due to emotional troubles, medical problems, financial stressors, or a rut. The physical connection must be a priority in a happy marriage.

First, discuss intimacy with your partner about intimacy. Openly discuss your sex desires, anxieties, and anything else that may harm your relationship.

We suggests that sharing your sexual desires with your partner may feel awkward or selfish, but it’s essential for your marriage.

By communicating your sentiments, you’re being honest and strengthening your relationship.

  1. Ages

Being in distinct stages of life strains a relationship, whether due to age differences, time apart or diverging interests and ambitions.

Without connection, your relationship suffers.

Prioritize your relationship. Regular date evenings, activities the other person enjoys, and discovering new hobbies together are terrific ways to bond.

  1. Infidelity

Cheating is only sometimes physical. It can also involve outside emotional relationships. Adultery destroys the trust in a marriage.

Many couples can’t overcome infidelity, but it’s possible.

According to  Dr. Shakeel Ahmed Roy, you’ll need understanding, work, and forgiveness to heal from someone’s affair.

After adultery, couples must fight to rebuild trust. Emotional distance is a precursor to adultery, so be honest with your spouse if you’re considering it.

Be honest and compassionate if you suspect physical or emotional cheating.

  1. Embarrassment

Excessive jealousy can transform a marriage into a daily conflict. Jealous people are domineering, furious, and overbearing.

They often have low self-esteem and attachment concerns.

If you or your partner is often jealous, consider counselling. Professional assistance is sometimes needed.

If your partner is regularly envious, address the matter head-on and get professional help. There may be underlying emotional issues.

  1. Boredom

Some couples tire of doing the same things daily with the same individual. If your relationship has gotten boring, update the story.

Introduce new activities to revitalize your marriage. Communication helps.

If you’re bored, talk to your partner about how to spice up your relationship.

Take up a hobby, start exercising, or schedule regular date nights.

  1. Boundary-breaking

Couples must respect and support each other’s strengths and abilities.

People must be told what to do, how to dress, or where to spend money.

Marriage unites two people who want to improve one another’s lives.

Overstepping your partner’s boundaries might destroy your union’s trust.

Allow each other to express themselves without judgment.

Getting lost in your marriage is a red flag.

Find methods to be yourself and communicate appropriate boundaries with your partner.

  1. Stress

Adults experience stress. Relationship, professional, parenting, and financial stress can affect your relationship. It can harm your relationship.

Healthy stress management can help you negotiate the challenging moments in your marriage.

Stress management applies to all areas of life, not just marriage.

Managing stress will improve your wedding. Journaling, exercising, practicing yoga, being creative, reading, and walking can reduce stress.

Finding partner-friendly activities is a plus.

  1. Valuations


Religion, politics, child rearing, and right and wrong can generate marital strife.


We all have distinct morals, values, ideas, and aspirations, but if you and your spouse have noticeably different perspectives, you’ll need effective communication and understanding to continue the marriage.


Large values gaps may be difficult to bridge, but an honest dialogue is essential before taking severe actions. Understanding the origins of values might be helpful.


Therapy can help with uncomfortable conversations and value alignment. A neutral party ensures productive, courteous interactions.


  1. Money issues


Money doesn’t cure money difficulties.


Money fights are unavoidable in any relationship, even for wealthy couples. Your partner may spend when you save. Investing strategies vary.


Like other marriage issues, communication is crucial. Discuss finances, future aspirations, and other issues that affect how a married couple spends money.

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