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Suffering from a low sex drive? Visit Specialized Sexologist

Sexual desire disorder is called decreased libido.

These violations are more common among women, but in recent years the number of cases has increased among men.

Problems can be caused by neurological disorders, endocrine disorders, and general illnesses.

Lack of desire results in poor sexual life, Inaction of the pelvic organs, distress, and mental issues, gynecological & urological diseases.

You should not wait for the libido to return on its own.

The situation may get worse if the problem is not resolved.

Returning to a full sex life requires adherence to a well-chosen treatment regimen along with psychotherapy.

It is recommended that you contact a sexologist for qualified help.

Causes of Decreased Sexual Desire

The main causes of decreased libido :

  • Psychological factors such as depression, stress, anxiety, and relationship problems
  • Medical conditions such as hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes
  • Side effects of medications such as antidepressants and antihistamines
  • Substance abuse, smoking, and poor nutrition
  • Sexual trauma or abuse

Sexual desire depends on your physical condition and mood, the circumstances during intercourse, and your general emotional background.

For some people, desire declines at certain times of the year when they work in hazardous industries or when their social status changes.

Excessive physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle negatively affect sexual performance. Improper nutrition leads to decreased libido – the use of fried and fatty food, carbonated drinks, coffee, potato chips, white bread, etc.

When to See a Specialized Sexologist

If the problem becomes chronic, you should consult a sexologist.

A lack of sexual desire can occur in anyone’s life if they do not have the time or energy for sexual intimacy, and there is an opportunity.

But if the pathology is prolonged and causes significant discomfort, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it is important to see a specialized sexologist:

  • Lack of interest or aversion to sexual activity
  • Erectile dysfunction or vaginal dryness
  • Ejaculation disorders or inability to achieve orgasm
  • Negative impact on mood and self-esteem
  • Hormonal disruptions such as a change in voice timbre, deposition of fat on buttocks, and swelling of mammary glands

A decrease in libido can be a chronic problem if not addressed promptly.

It can lead to further complications such as depression and neurasthenia. Seeking the help of a specialized sexologist can provide a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan to address the underlying causes of the problem.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Decreased Libido- The Role of a Specialized Sexologist

A specialized sexologist is trained to diagnose and treat sexual disorders, including decreased libido.

They can help determine the root causes of the problem, such as hormonal imbalances or psychological factors, and develop a treatment plan that addresses these issues.

The diagnostic process for decreased libido typically involves a detailed medical history and physical exam.

The professional will also discuss any psychological or relationship issues that may be contributing to the problem.

Treatment for decreased libido varies depending on the underlying causes of the problem.

Some treatment options may include hormone replacement therapy, medication changes, psychotherapy, or lifestyle modifications such as exercise and nutrition changes.

A specialized sexologist can help determine the best course of treatment based on each individual’s needs.

In conclusion, decreased libido can have various underlying causes, including physical, psychological, and hormonal factors.

It can lead to serious complications, such as depression and neurasthenia, and affect both men and women.

Seeking help from expert is essential when the problem becomes chronic and brings discomfort. They can diagnose and treat the pathology using the latest methods and provide recommendations for preventing relapses.

It is important to address the issue promptly to enjoy a fulfilling sex life and prevent further complications.

With the right treatment and guidance, individuals can revitalize their sexual health and improve their overall well-being.

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25/8, 1st Cross
Ground Floor
Sampige Apartment
Bangalore. 560003
Mob: +91 8880041775
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