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Why is it taboo to talk about sexual needs?

Many people feel uncomfortable and embarrassed when they have to use the term “sex” in front of a group of people or, even worse, while conversing with their parents.

Inappropriate, immoral, and unpleasant words have been used to describe sexual activity throughout history.

Even though it’s something that everyone does from time to time, sex is still socially unacceptable in many cultures.

Why is sex taboo?

Cultural norms and beliefs that form the foundation of society demonstrate that discussing sexuality in public is taboo and should be avoided at all costs.

Compassion between two people is a deeply personal experience and, as such, is taboo in many societies.

Neither can it be openly discussed nor portrayed.

Science has proven that sexual activity brings out the most base, animalistic side of human nature.

This fundamental animal nature poses a grave danger to the survival of ethics as you know it.

Even though sex can be adorned with feelings of love and passion, it is best enjoyed in the privacy of a bedroom by two adults who are both of legal consenting age.

Schools and parents fail to teach their children about sexual health and preferences because of the widespread perception that doing so is disgusting.

Sexual activity is considered legitimate only between married couples, and individuals who engage in it before marriage are considered immoral and shameful.

It can be regarded as low-class and vulgar in extreme circumstances, yet holy and virtuous in marriage.

People who are so self-centred and closed-minded that they try to impose their views on everyone else are responsible for this hypocrisy.

Here are two considerations that will clarify why sex is so important.

  1. Talk to each other freely

Start being more open with your partner about your sexual preferences.

All issues can be resolved by open and honest dialogue.

You can’t live a sex-positive life if you avoid talking about it or situations where it might arise.

As you grow more comfortable with it, you’ll feel more at ease discussing it with others.

Furthermore, what’s the deal here?

When you need to lighten the mood or want to make a joke, a sex joke is always a good choice.

  1. Get some education

Every person who engages in a sexual activity needs to completely understand the potential risks and benefits associated with their behaviour.

Numerous podcasts and Ted Talks feature prominent figures discussing the need to eliminate the taboo surrounding sexuality.

Advantages of Sexual Communication

  • The benefits of learning to talk about sex far surpass any initial awkwardness that could arise.

A major advantage is that it encourages people to engage in safer and healthier sex behaviours.

As a result, fewer sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies are occurring.

  • Improved self-image, sex positivity, and mental wellness result from removing the stigma associated with talking about sexuality.

As a result, you’ll have a higher sense of self-worth and more confidence in sexual encounters.

It facilitates an open discussion between partners about sexual preferences. In the long run, it’s beneficial to both partners to have these discussions.


Even though it’s essential to human survival, sex is rarely discussed in conversation.

It’s something almost everyone has a natural curiosity about and can find enjoyable, yet it’s treated with such shame, fear, and disgust.

If you have a sexual issue, then you should meet a sexologist without any kind of hesitation.

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